About Me

Weardale, Co Durham, United Kingdom
I am a keen quilter, enjoying both hand and machine quilting. I mainly machine piece and avoid too much applique! I have 12 silly chickens who are supposed to live in a run alongside the main garden, but they didn't read the instructions and keep escaping! I am a very part time teacher, just a few afternoons teaching French to primary children to subsidise my fabric habit.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

death of a nice car!!

Saturday saw an extension of the run of bad luck we seem to be experiencing! Friday we had Paul's scan results, these were non-results really as the Oncologist didn't seem to be able to answer any of our questions or give us any idea of how successful the treatment had been! The only ray of light was he told us Paul's tumour markers had gone from 3000 before treatment to 500 in February after the treatment. He kept telling us he was pleased with the results and thought we should be pleased as well! We took some comfort from that and on Saturday decided to go shopping in preparation for Ben's visit and buy the paint to decorate the study, this has needed doing for 2 yrs!!
On our way through one of the local villages, while we were driving on the main road a young lad pulled out of a side turning without looking and totalled our car! The police and ambulance were called and I ended up going to hospital on a spinal board as I had central neck pain! The police had to arrange for our car to be recovered as it was undrivable. Fortunately both Paul and I were ok, just sore backs and necks! Needless to say we were unable to report the accident to the insurance company on saturday, they only keep office hours! So first thing monday Paul phoned, got transferred to India who didnt understand that the accident had happened on Saturday !! They have been completely unhelpful and told us we cant have a courtesy car for at least 48hrs as their investgation team have to authorise it! She told me I could get a hire car and reclaim the money from them later. I tried to explain I couldn't walk 31 miles to my nearest town to hire a car and that I needed a car to hire a car!!!! That didn't go down well!!
Then the GI specialist nurse phoned Paul to tell him she was organising the endoscopy the Oncologist had wanted and it would be within the next 2 weeks. Paul asked for his blood results from Friday to be told the tumour markers were now 40000!!!!!!!! He spoke to the Oncologist last night who couldnt explain why they had risen so much but although it was a concern ( only slightly!) didnt feel any other investigations would be necessary! He will bring Paul's follow up appointment forward by a month and order another scan but more or less said if Paul was feeling ok that was all that mattered. We just don't know what to think now, have the sorted the cancer out completely, was the treatment successful? what should we expect etc.
we both felt very flat and worried. This morning we decided to paint the study anyway!!
After all our visitors it feels quite empty in our house!! Ben helped me sort out the 'glory hole' in the loft and the passage into the washhouse! I have the bug now, the next dry day it will be the washhouse then the shed!!!! Joy has chosen their new quilt pattern and on thursday Paul and I will have a day out to Jedburgh near Edinburgh to find a new quilt shop, I may even get some fabric!!! We have decided life has to go on regardless!!


Pat said...

Oh, Katie...I am sorry you have had such a difficult time of it lately. I will hope for better days ahead for you and Paul.

Donna said...

Katie, so sorry about your car accident. Insurance companies can sure be difficult, can't they? It is a shame that you are having difficulty getting good information from the doctors about Paul's cancer. I sure hope all will be well for him and you.