About Me

Weardale, Co Durham, United Kingdom
I am a keen quilter, enjoying both hand and machine quilting. I mainly machine piece and avoid too much applique! I have 12 silly chickens who are supposed to live in a run alongside the main garden, but they didn't read the instructions and keep escaping! I am a very part time teacher, just a few afternoons teaching French to primary children to subsidise my fabric habit.

Monday 1 March 2010

10 weeks and counting

I was going to call this 'the sad demise of a loved family member' but thought perhaps a bit too strong to describe the dishwasher going on strike! As Paul said, it's 20 yrs old it doesn't owe us anything! Still hopefully the nice dishwasher mender man will cheer it up and make it work again. I just love the company name they are called Domestic Rescue! Isn't that appropriate? Although our area is spectacularly beautiful and is officially described as An Area of Outstanding Beauty, the downside is it's remote and getting specialist supplies, eg quilting stuff, and repair men is not always easy. Hopefully, weather permitting he will come tuesday afternoon and we wont have to wash up any more!
This  is the view over the garden gate! Today! Snow again, it's now 10 weeks we have had lying snow and I must admit the novelty is wearing thin. These are for you Pat as I know you like our scenery.
A view from the back door, the hilltop at the back is the highest point in County Durham, England. The snow is slowly going but each time we have a melt and the field at the front reappears, we have more snow and it goes again. The shetland ponies who live there are really fed up, the other day they even resorted to eating my currant hedge!
Now to more momentous things! I managed to photograph my D9P blocks!! I hope they come out ok. I have one leaf of my cutting table up and have laid them out on that and they nearly cover it. I think I have nearly enough for a lap quilt once I add borders!!!. I have got the bug though, so yesterday spent some time cutting more squares. It might even end up big enough for a bed!! Which when you consider they are all scraps from other quilts and elderly FQ's from my stash with no new bought fabric is really 'green'. Confession is good for the soul, so I will admit I did buy some fabric at the quilt shop. I needed some sashing and borders for my Christmas Rework, and some for the Four Seasons Sew Along from Paula Stoddard's blog.
Although in my defence I will add that I have found some red toile I bought in 2004 which will do nicely for the current  Love Is redwork she is posting.

fabric for seasons redwork quilt
Toile from my stash for Love Is redwork. 
Now I have worked out the photos thing I will show you what I am handquilting but another day!!! Off to wade through snow  and look for rabbits with my mad springer Barney!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

I love your redwork, and that fabric is perfect to put with it. Redword is another thing I want to get back to. I also really like your D9P blocks. That will be a lovely quilt. Your scenery is so beautiful. It looks so peaceful. How far out of town are you?