About Me

Weardale, Co Durham, United Kingdom
I am a keen quilter, enjoying both hand and machine quilting. I mainly machine piece and avoid too much applique! I have 12 silly chickens who are supposed to live in a run alongside the main garden, but they didn't read the instructions and keep escaping! I am a very part time teacher, just a few afternoons teaching French to primary children to subsidise my fabric habit.

Monday 29 March 2010

Spring Glorius Spring

It's so good, the clocks have gone back, it's officially Spring! Lighter evenings, the chickens going to bed later, 3 eggs!!! ......so naturally today it's SNOWING!
I looked back to last March and we had snow then, they call it Lambing Storms up here. Hopefully it will e short lived as the daffodils are at last trying to poke their way through! The new 'girls' are very much part of the flock now, they sleep up on the roost and fight over the bread treats in the morning like old hands. They have also learnt how to get into the garden and the field and how to get back home again. Its amazing to think we have had them nearly 2 weeks already. Their combs and wattles are pinking up nicely so hopefully they will be laying soon.
I have finished both the secret cushions,just need to 'button' on the handles, today I found a sweet little hardbodied baby doll to put in Daisy's! Tomorrow I will make her mattress and pillow for her dolly's bed and some dollies quilts to play with! They should be with us on Friday night, weather permitting. Samantha abandoned the BA flight and decided to get Phil to drive her and the girls to us at the weekend, he will drive home on Sunday night to avoid travelling on the bank holiday. She will fly home from Newcastle with the girls on wednesday lunchtime. I wonder if the strikers realise just how much damage they are doing, as one chap on the news said if people have to make alternative arrangements they will continue with them. Samantha has found out it is half price to drive up and fly back rather than fly up and drive back. As she said I will do that next time, if they hadn't gone on strike she wouldn't have found this out!

At least she will still be able to come! We have at last got a scan date for Paul, it will be April 6th with hopefully the results still being at the Oncologist on the 9th. Just praying for good news.

1 comment:

Pat said...

We are having downpours of rain today....and the ground is still soaked from previous rains, so this is not a good thing. Many roads are flooded as well as people having floods in their basements. I'm glad it's lighter at night now, too.