About Me

Weardale, Co Durham, United Kingdom
I am a keen quilter, enjoying both hand and machine quilting. I mainly machine piece and avoid too much applique! I have 12 silly chickens who are supposed to live in a run alongside the main garden, but they didn't read the instructions and keep escaping! I am a very part time teacher, just a few afternoons teaching French to primary children to subsidise my fabric habit.

Friday 5 March 2010

Where did this week go?

What a week! I seem to have been rushing like one of my headless chickens and gettin nowhere fast! It's offficial, the dishwasher is no more! We have had to bite the bullet and buy a new one, it should be with us about the 18th, so until then we are washing up after each meal. No violins though, there are only the two of us and it doesn't take forever!  I became a quilt teacher twice this week! Wednesday at Busy Fingers, I took all my stuff again and they squared and layered their block and SID with invisible thread to disguise any mistakes! Everyone seemed really pleased with what they had done so I was glad. Then Thursday morning Christine called by on her way back home after the school run to find out the mysteries of fusable web applique! I knew when I had tried to explain it to her that she thought it would be really difficult. Of course when she came and saw how easy it was, the possibilities started fizzing in her brain, by the time I had got down to her house to put the embroidery foot on my Janome, which she has on a long term let, she had revised some of her designs!!
I managed to sneak a photo of her work in progress to show what it will be like
I think it will be fabulous, I have seen the fabrics she intends to use for the animals and tractor. They have a red tractor at their farm so she is going to use bright red fabric to make it on the mat! The sun's rays are to be cut smaller, but left loose as 'taggies' and she is planning to put some padding, beads and squeakers in different animals to increase the texture, in between the 'fields' she has sewn a grey flap to resemble the stone walls we have here. It also adds some texture. She is going to blanket stitch around each applique to add even more texture, its going to be great.


Pat said...

I'm sure everyone you have been teaching is very grateful for you help. I can't wait to see the mat your friend is making. You should take photos of the group you are teaching, too...so we can see their projects when they finish. Have a good weekend. (Sorry about the dishwasher.)

Donna said...

I've gotten behind on reading blogs. The quilt is going to be very cute!