About Me

Weardale, Co Durham, United Kingdom
I am a keen quilter, enjoying both hand and machine quilting. I mainly machine piece and avoid too much applique! I have 12 silly chickens who are supposed to live in a run alongside the main garden, but they didn't read the instructions and keep escaping! I am a very part time teacher, just a few afternoons teaching French to primary children to subsidise my fabric habit.

Monday 15 March 2010

Welcome Home

Yesterday was Mother's Day so we went to Hayden Bridge to buy some more hens to replace those the stray dog ate! I got 9 Lowman's Brown, just basic farmyard hens but good layers apparently. They are 18 weeks old so it will be a couple of weeks at least before they start laying. We shut them in the hen hut while the other hens were in the field scratching about. Needless to say they were so nosey they had to come into the run to see what was going on. We left the new ones for about an hour to settle in, then opened the pophole so they could explore the run at their leisure.
It was so funny, just like a Mexican Standoff, the new hens stayed in the house, the existing hens stayed outside! When dusk came I went out to see what was happening, well the existing hens were all in the house on the roost and the new ones were all outside, hiding in the base of the chick hut! I had fun catching them one by one and posting them through the pophole, shut them in and left them for the night. Shame I can't count! This morning I went down to let them all out and feed them and 2 of the new hens were wandering around the run looking very confused! Fortunately, because we live surrounded by managed Grouse moors the gamekeepers are very vigilant about foxes so we aren't troubled by them. I will have to count better tonight, or maybe by then they will all have worked out were the feed is and go home by themselves.
I did a little more handquilting on Cottage Gardens in the afternoon and watched some tv. Today I will try to do some more D9P and handquilting!
Paul has taken the car to have it's 'coil' mended then both vehicles will be roadworthy again! We should hear which BA flights will be affected by the strike I do hope Samantha's flight will be ok, she said yesterday that trying to explain to Daisy age 2 that they were not going to Nanny's house on the aeroplane was exhausting!
They had a good time at the zoo, saw elephants, bears, giraffes, etc then asked Daisy what her favourite animal was. True to form she replied Betty my chicken at home!!!!! You can always rely on children!


Pat said...

Kids say the cutest things. I, too, hope the flight plans aren't changed for your daughter. I guess this shows the truth in the old philosophy of NOT telling kids you are going somewhere until you are actually ready to leave. That way, they don't get upset or confused if plans need to be changed. *sigh* Maybe sometime you could show a picture of your chickens. I'd love to see them!

Donna said...

I agree, I'd love to see your chickens also. I hope the travel plans work out for your daughter.