About Me

Weardale, Co Durham, United Kingdom
I am a keen quilter, enjoying both hand and machine quilting. I mainly machine piece and avoid too much applique! I have 12 silly chickens who are supposed to live in a run alongside the main garden, but they didn't read the instructions and keep escaping! I am a very part time teacher, just a few afternoons teaching French to primary children to subsidise my fabric habit.

Thursday 25 March 2010

murky day!

I am not sure if it's hill fog or just murk but it's very grey and drizzly today, perfect sewing weather! We are still waiting for Paul's scan appt, I have phoned the Oncologist's secretary and the Upper GI Specialist Nurse several times but with not much joy. We are both finding it a bit stressful now, I have cancelled a hosp appt for me and we have rearranged Sam's visit, there just doesn't seem to be any sense of urgency or empathy! My next phonecall will probably be to the Patient Liason complaints folk!
When I went to shut the hens in yesterday they were in the garden, as I did my shepherd bit I could smell a foul rotting smell. I thought maybe the septic tank had decided to join all the other household necessities and spring a leak. Paul investigated today and thinks it was probably the two decomposing rabbits he had to pick up and get rid of!! I do hope it's nothing more sinister, they don't tell you these joys of country living!
Tom the Boiler man came today to do the annual service so maybe the boiler will be less smelly when I turn it up to go sewing! It might also burn more efficiently and save some oil money. I put this on to cheer everyone up, it makes me think of summer skies! I am off to do some more work on Samantha and Daisy's secret cushions.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Love the blue fabric! I'm sorry the medical folks haven't responded to you. It is so frustrating and leaves you wondering how to get some help.