About Me

Weardale, Co Durham, United Kingdom
I am a keen quilter, enjoying both hand and machine quilting. I mainly machine piece and avoid too much applique! I have 12 silly chickens who are supposed to live in a run alongside the main garden, but they didn't read the instructions and keep escaping! I am a very part time teacher, just a few afternoons teaching French to primary children to subsidise my fabric habit.

Friday 7 May 2010

tidy washhouse!

I must be such a sad person! I am gettnig a real thrill out of going into the washhouse now it is clean and tidy! I find myself running a loving finger over the washing machine now I have washed all Barney's mud off it!!! Its so nice not to have to negotiate all sorts of chaos when I go in to feed him at night. If I can get the lighting and door to the house sorted out I will be ecstatic!! Once we get a shelf above the washing machine for the tumble dryer I will be able to have a broom cupboard to hide the mop, bucket, broom and ironing board!!!
The sewing room is beginning to shout at me! I really need some plastic shoeboxes with lids to accommodate the different sizes of strips I have managed to cut from all the scraps. Maybe when I can see the wood from the trees I will be able to work more easily in there. Somehow I know deep down the room isn't really big enough for 2 full size quilt frames, and the 6ftx 4ft cutting table no matter what I do! Well just going through everything will make a bit more sense!!
We have abandoned out plans for an outing this week, the weather is not co operating and we have a busy weekend ahead as Paul's sister is visiting after an absence of about 15 yrs!! It's so good they are in contact again. So I want the visit to be a success!
Tonight I go back to choir for the first time since before xmas! I am looking forward to it but aprehensive at the same time. I went to the WI birthday dinner last week and it was less traumatic than I thought it would be, I think Sue had warned everyone that I am still fragile when talking about Paul's illness and results. I susupect she had already passed on news so other than a general hope all is ok I didn't need to go into great depth!
People are so kind here, they really expect to be told exactly how you are when they ask and expect to be asked themselves in return. Details of previous conversations are remembered and specific questions asked, not pruriently but part of the community caring which was why we moved here. The only problem is that it means the same stuff has to be constantly rehashed and sometimes it isn't easy, I decided for self protection to absent myself from various groups to cut that down, but of course now I am picking up the threads again it has to be gone through but hopefully only once!!! and I will enjoy the singing!!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

You are really doing well with your cleaning and organizing. It's nice that you can go back to some of your former activities. It would be hard to have to repeat things over and over to those who care about you and want to know.