About Me

Weardale, Co Durham, United Kingdom
I am a keen quilter, enjoying both hand and machine quilting. I mainly machine piece and avoid too much applique! I have 12 silly chickens who are supposed to live in a run alongside the main garden, but they didn't read the instructions and keep escaping! I am a very part time teacher, just a few afternoons teaching French to primary children to subsidise my fabric habit.

Friday 28 May 2010


well it didn't take long! One brown hen in the garden today, but she was desperate to get back to the run when she realise the others had bread!!!
We have had a lot of rain in the last two days and I think it has diluted the weedkiller as they are still holding their own, maybe by the time we get back they will have recovered.
I braved the 'shop with  no name' to get the bita and pieces Samantha wanted us to take down. It's called IKEA, a Swedish firm which specialises in inexpensive, but good quality flat pack furniture and all things swedish for the home. It's a good idea but on principle you are taken in a circular route through a large aircraft hangar style store to view the products, then are led to a warehouse section where you load your trolley and finally to queue at the checkouts. Paul just can't cope with this especially if he has gone for a specific item and there is no shortcut! He becomes impossible and has refused to go in again!! We are not allowed to say the store name in the house or in polite society! It's become like Macbeth ( the Scottish Play) we have to make the sign of the cross and say ( the Swedish Place) or the ( shope with no name)!!!
 Well I braved it and managed to get all the items she wanted!
so just some redwork to draw and blocks to cut for hand sewing while we are away!! Haircut and counselling today, we plan to leave really early in the morning about 4am so we should get there for about 10am!!
Oh and I joined slimming world last evening, I must get some tonnage off before we go on holiday!!


Pat said...

Lots around here love IKEA. I've not been in one of their places. I can understand why Paul wouldn't like that, though.

Donna said...

I'm glad your plants are looking like they make it. I had to laugh about Paul's aversion to IKEA. We don't go often, but I always enjoy an amble through there.